Africa Travel and Life

Hammam Essalihine

With hundreds of hot springs or fountains that back to thousands of years, Algeria’s most famous is Hammam Essalihine (the bath of the righteous or thermal baths of Flavius) which is a tourist and therapeutic site situated in the middle of an enchanting mountainous and forested region (Aures Mountains); precisely in “El Hamma” district, 7 km from Khenchela, an Algerian province and 4 km from the state capital. According to the inscriptions, it is an ancient Roman bath that has existed for 2000 years, the reason why this spa is classified a protected national historical heritage. The source of Hammam Essalihine is nestling at the bottom of a valley dominated by beautiful wooded mountains (1.500 m above sea level), which combines a unique natural landscape with the old Roman vestige giving the most picturesque spot of the country. Hamman Essalihine records up to 700,000 visitors a year who come to enjoy the landscapes of the Aures region or for therapeutic reasons. 

Hammam Essalhine spa is known for the therapeutic virtues of its pure water very rich with minerals with temperature around 70°C. The water’s chemical composition gives it therapeutic properties that treat rheumatic, respiratory and dermatological diseases. In addition, it offers treatments like relaxation, massage and functional rehabilitation equipment, plus hydrotherapy sessions offered by physiotherapists. There are two pools; the rectangular pool and the circular pool, one for men and the other for women, with eight meter in diameter and a depth of 1.45 m, as well as 44 thermal cabins.

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